SanServ supply a range of environmentally friendly cleaning and maintenance products for the professional cleaning industry. These include FLOLOC®, a range of biodegradable concentrate solutions for cleaning and maintenance. Our formulas include many naturally derived raw materials, plant extracts and harmless compounds that impact less on our environment. These problem- solving products are simple and economical to use, often out-performing conventional cleaning chemicals while also reducing exposure to operatives and members of the public who may come into contact with cleaning products. Whilst SanServ realize that some of their processes may affect our environment, the management and staff are committed to continual review and improvement wherever possible in an effort to reduce such impact regardless of legislation or minimum standards. SanServ will continue to source sustainable energy whenever practical and constantly review and implement improvements in energy efficiency. The products manufactured are continually assessed for their impact upon the environment from conception to disposal and consideration is given to all aspects of their use and discharge. SanServ continually self-evaluates it’s performance, externally audited and maintained to International Organisation for Standardisation, keeping up up date with changing legislation and policies worldwide.